Copy and paste my formula to sell your art fast!

Learn how to sell any art at any skill level, even if you've never sold art before and are not sure you can give results worth paying for. Meaning you will never feel like an imposter again.

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The average cost of art schools is $53.172, yet 55.4% of art school graduates work jobs that don't even require a college degree! 

For centuries artists have passed down their skills to their apprentices. I believe this is the best way to stay ahead of the curve and learn what works today! 

Yes! Give Me Dries' Formula

You Can Create Financial Freedom as an artist

Learn the formula to making $1000-$20.000/month from your art:

  • Learn how to differentiate yourself from other artists so that collectors will gladly pay 10x more for your art. Meaning you'll never feel like your price is too high .
  • Start your art career at any age so that you can leave your soul crushing corporate job behind and finally find meaning, excitement and passion in your career.
  • Learn how to actually find an unlimited amount of art collectors so you don’t have to feel like a wannabe influencer, constantly battling to keep the interest of adults with children’s attention spans.
  • How to Email/DM famous Journalists & Influencers to promote your art for free without spending money (I’ve included the entire outreach script).
  • Learn my step by step method to get short form videos & long form videos go viral reaching millions of views. Meaning you don’t have to feel jealous about 16 year old’s getting more likes then you.

Yes, You Can Sell Your Art!

The hardest part of your art business is behind you. Creating an inventory of art is hard. You've spent 1-10 year(s) making art & practicing your skills. That is about 12-120 months. Are you going to give up on that dream and waste those 120 months just because you don’t want to spend two months learning the business skills necessary to succeed? 


Damien Hirst, The richest artist alive, did the following: 

  • Bypassed his galleries to auction an entire show.
  • The show generated £111m, setting a new record.
  • Yes, he stopped relying on galleries and started selling his own art!

Times are changing and galleries are not what they used to be. The middle man is slowly disappearing and artists are taking over.

But don't sleep on this. 5 years from now AI will make it much harder to stand out. This is your last chance.

AI is already 1000 times faster then humans when it comes to creating visual art. Soon it's also going to be smarter then humans. But it will never be more human then humans. Learn how to use your humanity to build a more powerful personal brand then any AI ever will using my 'human brand' formula.


The Artist Formula is the first online artist residency with a focus on making money 

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You Are Ready To Take Control of Your Art Career?

This 8-week artist residency will teach you everything you need to know. We'll demystify the exact blueprint of the bleu-chip artists, gallerists, auction houses & more. You’ll learn:

  • The exact process Keith Haring used to become famous and how you can use it to get millions of views per year without using social media. 
  • Step by step breakdown of the Sales Strategy Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) uses to sell $15.000/year membership packages.
  • The Secret Samuel Baker (founder of Sotheby's) learned to sell anything to anyone. 
  • The exact formula Dries uses to sell art online.
  • The Hauser & Wirth Market Research Methodology To Understand Art Collectors   

Compress 15 years of knowledge into days and become a full time artist doing what you love. 

What's Included In This Art residency?


How to Really Sell Your Art

Making money from your art is the only way towards true freedom. Learn proven actionable steps you can take to sell your art:

  • Learn how to sell art at any skill level even if you’re still building your drawing skills and are not sure you can give results worth paying for. Meaning you will never feel like an imposter again. 
  • Learn how to sell your art at any price point with the 'price-doesn't-matter formula', so that you never have to feel uncertain about pricing your art. 
  • 2 Methods to find an unlimited amount of art collectors.

After going through the exercises you'll confidently sell art at any price point without gallery representation. 


Learn the secret to marketing with the 'Human Brand Formula'

The secret to building a brand is to build a connection. To buy real estate space in the brains of your audience so that they think about you even when you are not posting content. In this Module, you’ll learn:

  • Learn how to attract art collectors instead of other artists so that you can sell art to buyers who have the budget to pay for art. 
  • Learn my step by step method to get content go viral reaching millions of views. Meaning you don’t have to feel jealous about 16 year old’s getting more likes then you.
  • Master the art of introvert marketing and watch how your career takes of so you can look back on 10 years of putting yourself out there instead of ten years of hiding in your art studio.
  • How to DM famous influencers to promote your art for free without spending money (I’ve included the entire DM outreach script that you can simply copy)
  • How to spot trends before they go viral so that you can benefit from the trends before they get saturated. Meaning you'll never feel like you've missed the boat.

You’ll finish these lessons with a proven step by step strategy that is based on psychology instead of technology so that you can use it for the rest of your life. Technology will change but human psychology will never change. 

female artist at work in a studio space

The Most Lucrative Sales Funnel for Artists & Gallerists 

Once you know how to present, market & sell your art it's time to learn the most lucrative tool in the artist toolbelt. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How to turn attention into profit so that you finally make money and not just content. 
  • Sotheby's step by step formula to sell any object to anyone.
  • How to get featured in famous magazines without spending money. 
  • Communication is the number one skill. Every word is an opportunity to sell. With the 10 Communication rules for artists you'll turn words into profit.  


group art exhibition

Online Exhibition

As a student you will be able to submit 5 artworks for our biennial online exhibition that will be seen by millions of people. Normal application fee = $30 per artwork. For students this will be free.

Grow Your Brand

I will interview 10 students/year and promote them on my main channel. As a student you can submit your brand for a chance to get featured at no additional charge. Advertisers currently pay $2500 for this. 

Lifetime Updates 

Unlock new strategies on a regular basis so that you keep up to date with what works today and never miss out on new opportunities. (AI, TikTok, Marketing & More)

Online art sales amounts to roughly 10.8 billion U.S. dollars / year

  • Discover how to carve out your own unique niche and grab a portion of this market.
  • The graph on the left shows that online art sales is a growing market. The people who get in first are the ones who benefit the most.
  • The desire for human handmade things will increase in the next years because of AI. The AI counter culture will be the best thing that happened to artists. Those who capture that demand early will win.
  • You are only as good as the average of your 5 best friends. Join a community of artists that are committed to making money from their art.

Save Time & Money 

Time is the most scarce thing in the world. Don’t spend it making the mistakes that I’ve made. Learn from my mistakes instead.

High Quality Certificate 

After completion you'll receive an official certificate of graduation. This serves as proof that you know the blueprint to selling art and gives you the ability to put this as an extracurricular activity on your CV. 

Join a Private Art Network

- Celebrate your wins with artists who care & understand. 

- Make like-minded life long friends. 

- Network with successful artists, gallerists & collectors.

- Find exhibition opportunities & other business opportunities.

- Benefit from a variety of community features: mobile app, meetups, challenges, posts feed, live videos, video recordings & more  

What students say

Student wins inside 

You've been told that having a degree is worth something. Our students know what truly matters.


Dries Ketel's Artist residency 

Payment Plan


4 monthly payments


Pay In Full


Lock in this early bird price before it increases.